Thursday, December 31, 2020

I looked out a short while later, and the suet (which has capsaicin to deter squirrels) was gone except for crumbs on the ground.

Dominion and Carcassonne

I got to plan two of my favorite games last night with Jen. We used both The River and the Inns & Cathedrals expansions for Carcassonne, for a rather sprawling 100+ point game. And Dominion is still my favorite. I really enjoy the way it makes me try to forecast card interactions and anticipate how my deck will evolve.

Hawk food

I just saw a hawk in the tree out back, and in watching it for a few moments I realized it was eating something in its talons. I ran to get my binoculars, focused ...and saw that it had a slice of pizza.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Unmatched: Battle of Legends

Played against Jennifer  (Dracula) last night. I was Bigfoot. It ended close. Bigfoot had two points left when he bashed Dracula for the win.

Monday, December 14, 2020


Post-game retiling.

An Enemy

I've decided there are few things I loathe more than wintercreeper. I am going to wage war on it on my property, and take potshots at it in the adjoining easement. I hate it. I will never defeat it, but I will won't stop trying.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

A little snow

I didn't enjoy cleaning off my car this morning, but I do like having snow on the ground on Dec. 1.