Thursday, December 31, 2020

I looked out a short while later, and the suet (which has capsaicin to deter squirrels) was gone except for crumbs on the ground.

Dominion and Carcassonne

I got to plan two of my favorite games last night with Jen. We used both The River and the Inns & Cathedrals expansions for Carcassonne, for a rather sprawling 100+ point game. And Dominion is still my favorite. I really enjoy the way it makes me try to forecast card interactions and anticipate how my deck will evolve.

Hawk food

I just saw a hawk in the tree out back, and in watching it for a few moments I realized it was eating something in its talons. I ran to get my binoculars, focused ...and saw that it had a slice of pizza.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Unmatched: Battle of Legends

Played against Jennifer  (Dracula) last night. I was Bigfoot. It ended close. Bigfoot had two points left when he bashed Dracula for the win.

Monday, December 14, 2020


Post-game retiling.

An Enemy

I've decided there are few things I loathe more than wintercreeper. I am going to wage war on it on my property, and take potshots at it in the adjoining easement. I hate it. I will never defeat it, but I will won't stop trying.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

A little snow

I didn't enjoy cleaning off my car this morning, but I do like having snow on the ground on Dec. 1.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Red shouldered hawk

Taken by holding my phone camera lens up to my binoculars.
For years I thought that the hawks in our neighborhood were red tailed hawks, but recently I realized I have probably been wrong. Now I am pretty certain that the hawks that are so busy around here are red-shouldered hawks.

Azul, yesterday

Thursday, October 22, 2020


It got up to 80 degrees today, so I thought I should take advantage of the weather to do a little gardening. I think I'm just about out of time to transplant some perennials. So I took some coreopsis that was in a pot and planted it out front and did the same with a sprig of agastache that I had routed. Most things in the yard now appear to be mostly played out. There are a few fresh, late blooms on my lavender and the large flower coreopsis that I just planted this year still has some pretty yellow flowers blooming on it. My two love lies bleeding plants still have a lot of red flowers and seeds on them, and I'm thinking I should Harvest some of the seeds to plant next year, though I need to probably cut them all back before they throw seeds all over the yard and in places where I don't want them.(by the way, there are some typos in this oh, and I can't fix them easily on my phone. I am using voice to text and for some reason my phone doesn't let me easily edit the text when there is a mistake. Sometimes the words are ghosted it out when I try to correct them.)

 Soon, I am having the tree in my front yard taken down. The man who is doing it is supposed to excavate a bunch of roots out of the ground and regrade that part of the yard. That will be an opportunity for me to plant a bunch of seeds that I got from Prairie Moon Nursery and leave room to plant other perennials up front. I plan to expand. More flowers, less lawn.