Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lunch break sketch, continued

I shaded it in.

1 comment:

  1. Nutty good picture, amigo.

    On a related note, nutty good birthday party the other day. We had a great time.

    BTW, as we left the park about a half an hour after you, I noticed ahead of me in the Hurstbourne Road traffic a red Ford Festiva, zipping along at a good clip.

    I tried to keep up with it, but it zipped and zoomed, always just a few car lengths ahead.

    I finally caught up with it in an adjoining lane at a traffic light. I turned and waved enthusiastically to the driver, whom I presumed would be you.

    It wasn't, of course.

    It was a surly-looking, tattooed fellow who greeted my hand-waving with, to put it politely, disdain. I guess he doesn't get a lot of mistaken handwaves, but why not? How many red Festivas are there on Hurstbourne lane these days?

    See ya,

    3-D g


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