Monday, May 04, 2009

Erin woke up yesterday, walked into the living room wearing her nightgown, and lay on the couch. "I'm cold," she complained. "I want a blanket."


I grabbed a small afghan and tossed it over her, and went back to fixing breakfast.


"This blanket isn't big enough.  I want a bigger one," Erin griped.


To encourage her to just get up and get one herself from the small stack of blankets ten feet away, or at the very least ask politely for me to retrieve another, I said "Well, what's a good way to get one?"


There was a long pause, and then Jill chirped brightly from the other room, "You could say, 'Here, little blanket!'"




I was up sort of late last night working on a sketch of a giraffe in preparation for my next linoleum block print.  I'm eager to begin the actual cutting process.  I also went out at lunch today and worked on a little watercolor sketch of a tree. It's nothing very involved, but it was a good way to spend lunch.


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your next art projects. Love to hear what the little ones say.


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!