Sunday, August 18, 2019

Game Night--Deception: Murder In Hong Kong, and Dutch Blitz

Tonight I had friends over for dinner. I fixed soup and bread and had a few other things, and my friends brought some delicious stuff, too.

We started games with Deception: Murder in Hong Kong. For the first few games  (the first time any of us had played), we had a near-maximum player count at 11. This was pretty difficult. It was hard to keep an eye on so many cards, and hard to follow so much discussion. Still, it was fun. I enjoyed it, and I think everyone else liked it. After a while we were down to 7 players and it seemed more manageable.

Then we played Dutch Blitz (pictured). I'm awful at speed games, and I came in last. I did improve as I went along. The yelling that goes on around the table is the best part.

I'm glad I had people over, but I'm feeling a bit tapped out now.

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