Monday, January 10, 2011



Last week I finished reading "Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose" by Lee Alan Dugatin and I thought it was pretty good.  It gave an interesting perspective on the beginning of U.S. history, tying together natural history with the politics and economics of late 18th and early 19th Century America and Europe.  It's also a small, quick read.


Over the weekend I started reading "The Little People" by John Christopher.  I picked up the book years ago because the cover art was irresistible; and didn't put it back on the shelf because I've read some other things by that author and enjoyed it.  However, I never read it, and it ended up in a storage box until I recently found it.


I'm about half way through, and it's pretty good so far, although it's unfolding slowly.


That cover art, though. Genius.

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