Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I finally got to play Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures when I met up with Pat and Ed last weekend. I had been wanting to play for almost a year, finally got the game in recent months, and finally had the time to break it out.  Pictured are the three ships in the core set, but I have others for bigger battles.

We played on one of the tables at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble.  The table was a little smaller than the recommended 36” x 36” field, but it worked out fine and did not feel cramped (except on the second table where we kept all the game pieces; that was crowded.)  After my X-wing took out the TIE that Ed was in charge of, we decided to throw in some reinforcements and brought in two TIE interceptors and an A-wing to mix it up a little.

We were still getting the feel for the rules, so it was a pretty easy-going affair, and I had a very good time. I am eager to play more.

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