Thursday, June 25, 2009

First sumi ink drawing, part 2


…and here is Jill's, which she described as, "that's a house that can walk and it's a robot, and that's all the stuff that you need to wear, and that's a house for the steam, and that's all the steam popping. There's more smoke, and more smoke, and more smoke, and more smoke, and more smoke, and more smoke, and more smoke."


I am a rather proud father of these artists.


  1. Whoa. I saw this one on the family room door too. Honestly, I am also amazed at this. (And not just because I'm the grandma)! I think all children have creativity, but isn't this a little beyond most three-year-old offerings? Comment Part 2 from Nana!

  2. Both these girls have a very vivid imagination. I would think that would be the first signs that they would be very artistic.


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!