Monday, June 29, 2009



Here's a photo of some recent stuff I've worked on. Top right: a small watercolor, with pen-and-ink, of a tree at Hounz Lane Park.  I did the watercolor portion on lunch break, and the pen portion that evening.


Bottom right is a sumi ink drawing I started on lunch break a last week. It is also a creek-side tree at Hounz Lane Park. After I got home, I used a couple of ink pens to add some detail and shading.  I don't much care for this drawing, in part because the tree resembles a giant hairy wrist or ankle, with the roots a foot or hand sinking into the bank – although this strange appearance has something to do with what attracted me to it in the first place. The roots were weird and elegant.


The giraffe is a proof-print of the linoleum block I am carving. It will end up being a three-color reduction print. There will be more photos of that later.  I am going to hunt around for something nicer to print on than regular printer paper, at least for some of the prints.


  1. All the work is very nice. The tree on bank of the creek looks like some large ogre sitting with his back to me. You can see his shoulders about 3 feet off the ground and his right arm running down his side.

  2. This is pure inspiration. Been watching Merlin? I love to draw trees.

  3. I like the pictures quite a lot, but why does the ostrich's foot have branches?


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!