Friday, August 14, 2009

Missing key


Last night I realized that I don't have my minivan key.  I don't know where it is. At some point in the last week, I took it off for some reason.  I have a very vague recollection of taking it off so that someone else could use it, but I don't know when, where, or who.


  1. Ask Jill. That's how we find things in our house. The kids know everything.

  2. I read this post at approximately 8 o'clock Friday night. And since approximately 8:15 Friday night I've had the Jack Johnson song "Losing Keys" stuck in my head.

  3. I've never been one for finding keys. I've lost far more keys than I've found.

  4. Well, dear Mark, I thought Key-Loss just ran in families (like mine). Now it looks like it may be contagious!


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!