Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Erin's class studied bugs for the last few months, and they recently ended their studies by doing research projects. Each student could choose a topic, and Erin chose grasshoppers. We learned about them together, and then she had to prepare a tri-fold board for presentation.


She and I went on an expedition to E. P. Sawyer to catch a grasshopper for study. That seemed like a bit of a challenge for the middle of November, but since it was a sunny afternoon I thought we'd have some luck. After a bit of hunting we found a little one to examine and use for photos.


Kim and Erin worked hard together on preparing the board and setting out the important points of information. The grasshopper was set free where we found him. A few days later, we all attended the bug festival at school, where all the kids' projects were displayed.

1 comment:

  1. the bottom picture of Erin is one of the coolest photos I've ever seen


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