Tuesday, April 21, 2009



The world lifts in springtime right off of the ground

with the song from the robin--immaculate sound--

maligned dandelions, soft joy in each bud

race jonquils and "hot flowers" up through the mud.

Bugs by the bucket fly upward toward Heaven

To dance over treetops, to shout the word "seven,"

For that is the number, for that is the word

(or at least it's what I hear from bee and from bird,

and if ears are mistaken, they willfully err)

for the number of years that we've been a pair

in wonder-filled wedlock. Your warm golden band

encircles my heart more than adorns my hand.

We married in April; now you are the spring

that, in my spirit, turns every leaf green.

Through summer's mosquitoes, and fall's golden days,

And winter's hard ice and impenetrable grays,

My inside is April; my soul is a kite

and you, steady wind that brings it to flight.



  1. What a wonderful tribute. Happy anniversary to the two of you. Your kids are so blessed to have you and Kim for parents, and you are truly blessed to have them.

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet poem! I am so glad that Kim found someone who treats her so well!

  3. This world is a better place with Mark and Kim Tabler in it. Pure and simple truth. Mark, you are a true and wonderful Rennaissance man. Good-looking with so many talents. Kim, you are unmatched in your insight and intelligence(s). And beautiful to boot. Happy Anniversary you two! You were meant for each other. Love, Nana

  4. What a beautiful poem. And two beautiful people.

  5. Wow. What a beautiful poem, and a loving tribute to your wife and marriage. Congratulations on your seventh anniversary!

  6. I was going to post this but I didn't know if you would want me to!! I love you dearly Mark Tabler!! THANK YOU!


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