Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Acrylic painting

My first painting of 2010! This is also my first painting in acrylics in a loooong time. With the exception of the mural/paintings in my daughter’s bedrooms, this is the first real acrylic painting in perhaps 20 years.

I started this in early November, I think. I wanted to mess around with acrylics because I wanted to have a medium that I could use on my lunch breaks with a relatively short (compared to oil paint) set-up/take down time, and no messy solvents, on days that I wanted to work outside.

This painting is 13 x 19 inches on primed paper. I think it’s moderately successful. I like the colors and the paint application; I’m not as happy with the composition. It would be better if it were a scene with more dark areas or contrasts. As it is, there is a certain “busy-ness” that runs top to bottom that doesn’t allow the eye to rest, and the values are monotonous (there are darks and lights, but they’re all sort of stippled together.) However, I like the shapes and the colors.


  1. Mark, I think it's beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. My eyes find no fault whatsoever with it.

  2. I agree with your self-assessment... The brushstrokes and use of color is nice: vivid and interesting; but the values do not have enough range. Overall, I think it is nicely vibrant, and not too busy. It is energetic, which is a nice contrast to the quietness of the subject matter.

    Are you taking a break from printing and walnut ink drawings?

  3. Thanks to you both.
    Nope, Karen, I'm not really taking a break, just doing different things as I find time and opportunity. I'm starting a black in drawing that will take a while. I'm just doing it on my own; not really a commission, although there is a person it's intended for. I also have lots of ideas for more prints.


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!