Friday, March 26, 2010

This from Wikipedia's entry on Myopia:

Chromatic aberration of strong eyeglasses

Close-up of color shifting through corner of eyeglasses. The light and dark borders visible between color swatches do not exist.
For people with a high degree of myopia, very strong eyeglass prescriptions are needed to correct the focus error. However, strong eyeglass prescriptions have a negative side effect in that off-axis viewing of objects away from the center of the lens results in prismatic movement and separation of colors, known as
chromatic aberration. This prismatic distortion is visible to the wearer as color fringes around strongly contrasting colors. The fringes move around as the wearer's gaze through the lenses changes, and the prismatic shifting reverses on either side, above, and below the exact center of the lenses. Color fringing can make accurate drawing and painting difficult for users of strong eyeglass prescriptions.
Strongly nearsighted wearers of
contact lenses do not experience chromatic aberration because the lens moves with the cornea and always stays centered in the middle of the wearer's gaze.

I experience this. I think it also has a lot to do with the "floating colors" effect I often see when looking at side-by-side complimentary color fields, or bright colors against dark.

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