Friday, April 09, 2010

MGA Roadster oil painting work in progress

I wanted to wait until I was done before I started putting up pictures on my blog, but I haven't had any art to post in a long time, so I thought I'd put up what I've done so far. Here are four stages of the painting. The last one was taken this afternoon. I worked a little more on it this evening, mostly on the pavement. The biggest remaining challenge is going to be evening out the reflections in the body of the car. I need to make it a little more uniform, and downplay a lot of the contrasts. I'm pleased with how it is progressing.


  1. Wow! Looking at the last picture I can't believe it's not finished! This guy's gonna be thrilled!

  2. I'll add a third wow! That is amazing. Very fun for me to see the progression also!

  3. Thud! (That's the sound of my jaw hitting the floor)

  4. I am trying really hard to avoid the huge green monster hovering over my left shoulder right now. Your realism continues to develop and improve to the point of amazement.
    I really want to be completely envious to the point of disliking you, but you are too likable, and I continue to love and admire your work! (well, I love and admire you too.)


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!