Saturday, October 31, 2009

I give up. For now.

I spent most of the last 7 hours working on my Halloween costume until, at 11:30, I realized that I was crossing the line between fun and painful. It was going well, and I like what I've done, but I had to honestly assess how much more time I was going to need and what that time was going to cost me. I think, if I really hurried, I could finish it in two more hours. However, I really don't want to be up for two more hours, and it would cause me grief tomorrow.

Also, I think, if I hurry, I'll be less happy with the finished product. I might even be unhappy with it. It would really be rotten if I stayed up those extra hours and was unhappy with the result. This isn't a school project that's due tomorrow.

So now it's all in the garage again, and maybe I'll take it out and work on it well before next Halloween.

1 comment:

I'm eager to hear your thoughts!