Friday, April 25, 2008


The most frustrating TV show ever was back on last night.
Okay, so I know some of my friends are "Lost" fans, but I don't have anyone around now with whom to discuss last night's episode. So, please comment, Ed, Loraine, Candy, David, Brooke.
Poor Alex. I didn't expect that.
I knew Ben was exceedingly devious, smart, and manipulative, but I had no idea he was such combat monster. He has hidden that aspect well from the other characters.
What do you think is the nature of "the rules," and how did they change? Did they somehow prevent killing loved ones or family of Ben? Are they the same rules that keep Ben from killing Charles, or is there something else?
I will probably have to try to watch that episode again to pick up on details I missed.
I won't even speculate on how Ben ended up on his back with a wounded arm in the desert, not knowing for sure what year it was.
Faraday, like so many other characters before him, now goes on my list of "Lost" characters who need a little waterboarding. There are about twenty characters who need to be slapped until the cough up a plausible rationale for their actions. Note that I only condone torture on fictional people.
Why would Widmore kill Nadia? Does anyone else suspect that Ben killed her and framed Widmore?
Last night's show had a very high body count, perhaps only exceeded by the plane crash itself and Ben's Dharma purge. I hope that everyone on the island knows, by this time, that if you hear lots of gunfire outside, don't just run blindly out the door.


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1 comment:

  1. i've watched this show from day 1 and i love it, but i still have no idea what's going on.

    yes, faraday needs ben to beat him with that crazy stick he's carrying around.

    after seeing the episodes about the "oceanic 6" i really thought that was the end for claire and sawyer and that's how aaron comes back without claire. if that was really the same aaron with kate.

    the creepy killer fog is back! woohoo! what the heck is that thing?

    i have no answers to your questions. other than yes i think ben killed nadia.


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!