Sunday, October 01, 2006

Quesadillas, Acorns, Spiders

In honor of the first day of October, I am posting a photo from last Halloween. K. and E. on the front porch. I recall that it was a very pretty night.

Today was a very pretty day. Afternoon and evening were spent at my parents', where we had chicken quesadillas and fruit for dinner.

E. and I went for a walk. This was an attempt to get her to fall asleep. When we go for a walk, she usually ends up being carried. If she's tired, she conks out on my shoulder. We've done this since she was born when we wanted her to sleep but she was unable to for whatever reason.

It worked, but the first half-hour of our walk we had a grand time slowly walking hand-in-hand. We watched squirrels and collected acorns. E. had a pocket full. She would put an acorn in her pocket, then lean over and look at the ground. I could plainly see dozens of acorns lying around, but she would stare intently for a moment, then point at one and shout, "Nother...ONE!" Then she'd pick up the one she spotted.

We saw one of those big old spiders that build the huge orb webs. Those guys, or perhaps more likely gals, seem to be most noticed when they build their impressive webs on porches. I almost never see them any other time of the year. Late September through October, exclusively. Why is that? Where are they the rest of the year? Up in the trees? Do they migrate into the region on the backs of warblers after spending summers catching gulls on the shores of Hudson Bay?


  1. Orb-web spiders only eat early fall acorns, and, just like little girls, they have very specific ideas about what constitutes a worthy acorn.

  2. Mr. Meki, Esq., you need to start bloggin' again yourself. I've exhausted all those Chinese bloggins you put me onto. I would be blogstatic if you blobbed about your little baggy and phosted some potos. Also, I'm glad someone (meaning you) cares enough to comment.


I'm eager to hear your thoughts!